I take my line of work very seriously and as a way of life. This is a site based on the mystic arts, occult and spirituality. "Therefore I do not declare this site to be for entertainment purposes." Information provided should never, in any case, be in place of the advice of a professional and licensed doctor, lawyer, registered practitioner, or other professional. In no way do I guarantee, or am to be held liable for what manifests in your life by acts of GOD, FATE and/or DESTINY. My services and products are only tools to be used as a liaison in enhancing and influencing your life spiritually and in many cases otherwise.
Psychic Readings, Items, & Spiritual Services - Services offered, items sold or referenced to are suggested because of their proven or legendary success rate along with merited folklore. I have provided as much detail on many items, and services offered. You may review my Client's Testimonials to view what my customers have to say about my services. It is important to know that the items sold are tools with which to project your power within "you" for your desired result, if this is "your" intent - therefore is NOT guaranteed.
Herbal remedies mentioned throughout this site have had their proven times however please use your judgment of the frequency of certain digestible items and seek a doctors consent if you have concerns. Please remember that pregnant, lactating women, all children under 18 (seek parental permission) and those suffering from any long-term illness or organ damage must consult your physician first. Recommendations made by Tricia or found on her website, www.charlestownpsychic.com, are to ensure your optimum performance and health and you agree to use this information at your own risk.
Pricing - You will find that my pricing for my services and products are very competitive. However as the economy fluctuates all pricing and service content offered is subject to change at any time without notice.
Psychic Readings - with over 20 years of experience. I have developed a heightened capability to work with spirituality thus building intuitively. Although my accuracy is very high with prediction and spiritual assistance I cannot guarantee that I will be neither accurate nor successful in every endeavor. If you receive a reading by me and you become unsatisfied you do not have to seek my services for a reading further. However because the reading and or spiritual services have been given there is no refund. You may try my services through my FREE Psychic Reading to help you decide upon future readings. I, Psychic Tricia, reserve the right to refuse any customer without explanation before an exchange of monies for services. Once services are requested and payment is received there are no refunds.
Spiritual Services - Spiritual Solutions relates to either one or all of the following:
Spiritual items to be purchased to attain ones desired outcome, and or recommended rituals, readings, prayer, chants, or affirmations. Charles Town Psychic does not sell online spiritual services to be performed unless the potential client has gone through the required interview to assess if spellwork that will be needed. It is my duty to help you to bring out the power within yourself first by recommending rituals, readings, prayer, chants, or affirmations most likely in tune with that of your spiritual or religious background. Although I can perform spiritual services I prefer by word of mouth and must meet or interview the client first. If you require intensive spiritual help and I am unable to assist you I will refer you to someone within your geographic location. There is a fee involved with all services of spiritual request only relating to materials, and the time involved which is non-refundable. Because this method of help "Spiritual Services" has been tainted by many that in the past and possibly in the future may try to take advantage of you. Please follow the simple steps that I can recommend to help perform these spiritual deeds or spells yourself "FIRST"! Because of your fate and or destiny, before performing any spells or spiritual services a reading must be done first to help assess the best way about attaining your desire. It is important to remember that it is "You" that must be in control of your life and your creator is the primary relationship towards what is to be. My job is only to help direct.
Refund Policy: Due to the customization and sensitive nature of all psychic services including readings and other spiritual services, no refunds will be given.
Children: Although I will give intuitive readings to children under 18 with parental consent...all other services and items of any metaphysical direction must have the consent of a parent as well. Spiritual commitment on any level is just as important as other areas of a child’s life and should be taken with proper direction and consent of a guardian.
Content: Tricia of the Charles Town Psychic has done her best to provide accurate information in pages displayed at www.charlestownpsychic.com site. However, the webmaster will not be held accountable for errors or omissions. The webmaster shall not be liable or responsible to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly, by any information contained in this publication.
Copyrights - Charles Town Psychic owns all copyright privileges to materials published on my web site, including the website design. My client's are welcome to print and/or save information from this website for their own personal use. I do NOT permit any of my text, images, or design to be copied, reproduced, or published by any other psychic, business, or anyone intending to use the information for profit. There is no permission needed to link to www.charlestownpsychic.com. See "Permission to Link" below.
Trademarks and Endorsements - Mention of trademarked names in any of our editorial copy has been done strictly for clarification and identification and does not constitute an endorsement by the trademark owner, author or publisher. Trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respective owners. Charles Town Psychic's use of any trademark within this publication should not be regarded as affecting its validity. I have made every attempt to appropriately capitalize trademarked names known to me and will promptly make corrections upon notification of any error we might have missed.
Reproduction and Quotation Privileges - Charles Town Psychic recognizes the challenge all World Wide Web publishers face in limiting reproduction through this medium. For the most part, Charles Town Psychic must rely on each readers personal integrity in observing prevailing copyright law. Other than what is allowed under section 107 or 108 of the 1976 Copyright Act, anyone choosing to reproduce or translate work not already in public domain will be doing so in violation of law. Readers wishing to reprint information published here with the intent of financial gain are cautioned to ask me for permission in advance. In the spirit of online community, my goal is to be cooperative in sharing what we own the rights to so long as doing so does not infringe upon Charles Town Psychic's business operations. This copyright extends to printed materials, original graphics and other identifiable items.
Permission to Link - Permission to link to Charles Town Psychic pages at either http://www.charlestownpsychic.com, on Facebook at (address not currently available), or Twitter at (address not currently available) is hereby granted. In most cases, I will be happy to provide a reciprocal link so long as the mentioning of your site fits within the context of our content and your site does not display or promote anything illegal or immoral or in direct conflict with our purpose. I will try at my best to interview every link on my site to confirm it to be of valid link and authentic within its industry as much as possible.